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Signs, Signs: Marsh Grocery

Did your brain fill in the parts of the letters
that your eyes cannot see?
I find it odd that this sign 
is on the far left side of the grocery's entrance
whereas the pharmacy is located on the right
side of the entrance.
The Marketplace is where freshcut flowers are sold.

sharing with
Lesley's Signs Signs


Marleen said…
Maybe the entrance used to be on this side?
That fellow went in to the Pharmacy to buy a soda pop, and he is passing up all the wonderful looking plants. Interesting photo.
Anonymous said…
Well that makes no sense at all!

Our community just opened a new Meijer and the folks who did their access road painting messed up big time, putting turn arrow signs in spots where there is no place to turn, as well as a left turn arrow sign (on the pavement) out to the highway when it's only possible to turn right at that spot.

Apparently a few folks missed the memo! lol!

I love fresh cut flowers----but I don't like to cut them out of my gardens. MB
Ida said…
I believe our ShopKo signs for their Pharmacy are the same way. Confusing to say the least.
Halcyon said…
Maybe they couldn't fit Pharmacy on the other side? Or it cost more $$ to install it on the other side? WHo knows??? Nice observation though!
Ingrid said…
A little confusing indeed !
Nonnie said…
You may be right, I'm terrible at picturing spatial things!
J C said…
Well, many drugs are made from flowers and plants, so I guess there is a hidden connection. Even more important, I am drooling over those cupcakes below! :)
Lesley said…
Signs like these mess with my head. It's irritating!

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