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Haiku My Heart: Downtown Blooms

 lovely blooms galore
up and down the  
Muncie gardeners 

and here, for a bit of fun,
I've added artful flowers
from my latest 
favorite shop downtown...

happily hooking up with


rebecca said…
so much beauty blooming here dear nonnie!
Without blossoms, what a dreary world we would have!
Mark said…
The artful flowers and the fragrant flowers make a wondrous bouquet!
Lea said…
Dear Nonnie, please forgive my tardiness in coming over to breathe deeply of your haiku and these beautiful flowers! I am so grateful to all the gardeners of the world, and these beauties that grace our lives! Have a wonderful week and I'll see you soon!
Nonnie said…
Lea, no need to apologize, I am grateful for those who appreciate God's gifts in our world as much as I do.

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