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Nonnie's Photo A Day: Nostalgia Collage

Hotel Taft, Dallas mural,
eggs & grandfather’s home

I remember the sweet, soft smell of Sweet pea talcum powder.  
I picture the apartment bathroom where the talc sat near the tub.

The building’s mural was admired
As my husband and I walked around 
my uncle’s Dallas neighborhood.

Our high school senior class stayed 
in the Hotel Taft during our senior trip to New York and 
Washington D.C.

The home pictured here is the way the home looked 
when  my great-grandfather was still alive.

The easter eggs- 
this was the last time 
my youngest granddaughter dyed eggs with me. 
She considers herself too old to do it now.

Joining others (my first time)
for Nostalgia

Hoosier Quote about Nostalgia:
"Who recalls when folks got along without something
if it cost too much."
~Fred McKinney Hubbard


colleen said…
A nice collection of images and words. I reminds me of the template poem for Where I'm From:
pchickki said…
Thanks so much for participating in my Nostalgia challenge. Love what you did. I look forward to more art from you.

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