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NONNIE'S HAIKU: Black-capped Chickadee

My Haiku: Black-capped Chickadee
inspiration: Santoka Taneda’s The Dragon Flies

the dragon flies   
perch on my kasa   
as I walk along

my haiku:

exquisite wee bird
so stylish in grey & white
& elegant black 

more haikus at
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart


Hoosier Quote:
“The deeper I delve into natural science 
the easier it is to see that every created thing has its use…
and that upon nature keeping her own balance 
depend the security of the whole.”
~Gene Stratton-Porter~


Lenora said…
i love the use of the word stylish here! and the dragon fly is a beauty, iridescent!
Lea said…
Dear Nonnie, love your haiku and photos. That little chickadee is quite dapper in his stylish feathers! Dragonflies are my favorite of little creatures. I feel so lucky when they light upon my hands or knees, like your plants!
Nonnie said…
Lea, how lucky you are! I've never had dragonflies get that close to me. I was so happy that I happened to look out my window at just the right time and spot the chickadee!
Mark said…
I like how you took the prompt and used it for your own ends!

With a Dragonfly
J C said…
Gosh Nonnie I think my comment got lost so I'll try again. Pls delete if it shows up x2. I really like your haiku and chickadee (you know I'm a bird lover). Re your comment about nest, the purple is really brown in real life where it is drying out. I guess the camera did the purple. Or maybe that's a nature color not readily visible. I knew it was a cardinal nest because I almost cut it down last season with 2 babies in it. Momma C. was fussing and warning me so I looked further. Isnt Mother Nature grand? xo
Anonymous said…
Beautifully done.
Anonymous said…
lovely.. :)

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