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NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: L is for Lilacs

 blossoms from last spring
Korean dwarf lilac bush
eager for new blooms   

more at ABC Wednesday
created by Mrs. Nesbitt (thank you, Mrs. N)
and hosted this week by Roger

Hoosier Quote:
“Flowers beckon toward us, 
but they speak toward heaven and God.”
~Henry Ward Beecher~


ellen b. said…
Oh how I love lilacs! Mine are just starting to bud and open...
Ingrid said…
Beautiful ! I wished they would bloom this spring too !


Reader Wil said…
Thanks for the beautiful L word on ABC on Wednesday! Like you I am fond of cats. They are such good company! Happy Eastern Norma!
When I was growing up, there was a lilac tree - more like an overgrown bush - right next to our house. It is the singular smell of my childhood.

Reader Wil said…
Hi Norma! I commented several hours ago, but I don't see it now. Well I want to wish you a happy Easter.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Anonymous said…
Yes, the bush flower is Love. Too bad it does not last throughout Spring and summer.
Ida said…
Lilacs are so pretty. My mom's are just starting to bud. She has a French Lilac and it is just gorgeous. I enjoyed your photo and prose.
Joy said…
Love lilacs, they always reminds me of my childhood for I could climb ours to access the top of the wall, my favourite perch.
Mascha said…
Nice picture. Reminds about forthcoming days...
How different in the languages:
English - Lilac, German - Flieder and Russian - Siren.
Have a blessed Easter

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