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A message from the Son
of His Divine Mercy

Christ’s message
a delusion on our part?
decidedly not!
not a new message
but one we tend to forget
His mercy endures

joining Kristjaan's
theme of Delusion

Hoosier Quote:
“God pardons like a mother 
who kisses away the repentant tears of a child.”
~Henry Ward Beecher~

Dear Readers,
I am having shoulder surgery Tuesday, April 14.
So I will not be posting for awhile. 


Gillena Cox said…
oh yes Nonnie, i'm Catholic so i remember
nicely written in to your haiku moment

much love...
Very deep and a message of hope.
Mark said…
I'm glad that the mercy endures...

Without Delusions

Scriptor Senex said…
Dear Norma, I hope everything went OK and that you recover quickly. Love John
NCSue said…
Best wishes on a successful surgery.
Be well!
Janice said…
Very timely approach to this challenge..
rebecca said…
dearest nonnie,
holding in the light of great love. may your return to wholeness and great health be an easy journey. love, love, love YOU! xo
Nonnie said…
thank you, dearest Rebecca, I am improving, but I learned the hard way about paib incurred when overdoing. So it will be a while before I'm back.
Nonnie said…
Mascha, I am so sorry that you received this email. Someone hacked my account. It is a scam. I would never ever ask for money through an email.

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