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SIGNS, SIGNS: School Bumper Sticker

school bumper sticker
Cath’lic school- where I once taught
sixties to ‘80

sharing with Lesley's

Hoosier Quote:

“Even merit has to be advertised 
before it pays.”
~Frank McKinney Hubbard~


RedPat said…
A proud parent probably drives that vehicle!
Snakes & ladders is a very old board game. The younger generation seems to have rediscovered board games here and they have become quite popular.
Lea said…
I find bumper stickers to be very interesting.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
VioletSky said…
So, a blast from the past for you!!
Tom said…
And what did you teach? Tom The Backroads Traveller
Photo Cache said…
I like reading bumper stickers when I'm in a traffic jam.

Anonymous said…
How fun to spot a bumper sticker with your history involved!
Halcyon said…
A blast from the past!
Lesley said…
You don't see so many bumper stickers up this way as much as in years past.
We only have one bumper sticker to show for 18 years of marriage! I love them, but Lex does not. Ours is the "COEXIST" image with all sorts of diverse religions represented. My old cars pre-second marriage were plastered with them! Thanks for a cute post. Amy

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