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SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY 2: Prayer Time al Fresco

prayer time al fresco
fading with autumn’s onset
I'll miss nature’s songs

our host: Gemma Wiseman

Hoosier Quote:
“Whether or not it is clear to you, 
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
~Max Ehrmann~


Annie Jeffries said…
We are coming into the season of nature's roars.
Rajesh said…
Nice shadow shot.
Mascha said…
Light dots in the shadows...
Oh yeah, we have a very especially prayer room here under the roof of the old barn, it is only for warm seasons and we very miss it in the cold time of the year.
It's so wonderful, when the birds sing together with our verses...
Have a blessed sunday
Jeannie Marie said…
A lovely prayer closet!
Anonymous said…
Perfect reflection.
Claire Justine said…
Great shadows, I am imagining all kids of things above :)
abrianna said…
Pretty little shadow holes.
colleen said…
Oooh that kind of tickles me.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Love the shadow design. Very cool.
It won't be long until you're doing your praying indoors!
I already miss nature's songs! The yard has been so quiet of late. I wonder; where they all go if they don't migrate?

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