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HAIKU MY HEART: Beckoning of the Sky

peering to the west
the sky beckons me to pause,
give praise for this day

linking to
hosted by MMT

Hoosier Quote:
“Oh, the moonlight’s fair tonight 
along the Wabash, 
from the fields there comes 
the breath of new mown hay, 
Through the sycamores the candle lights 
are gleaming, 
on the banks of the Wabash, far away.”
~Paul Dresser~


Ralph said…
This a beautiful sunset - as the gray clouds break up, the moisture in the clouds acting as small prisms that add soft pastels to soften the sky. Nice!
Lea said…
What a glorious photo and haiku Nonnie. Thank you!
Annie Jeffries said…
East or West, the sky is a glorious invitation to prayer.
J C said…
Oh Nonnie, this is such a beautiful post. Adore those pink clouds. And the Hoosier quote is awesome. I can smell the hay, see the moonlight and hear the river. Love this!
rebecca said…
dearest nonnie,
thank you for this brilliant view of your loving heart!
Graham Edwards said…
A wonderful sky. As it's a westerly and therefore evening sky I am reminded that a red sky at night is the shepherd's delight. I hope the next day was a good one.
Nonnie said…
thank you, JC. the quote is Indiana's state song.
Nonnie said…
it was, thank you, Graham.
Nonnie said…
many thanks for your kind words.

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