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Evergreen with Peace

Christmas, three years past
delighted with snow on ground
this year- blessed with warmth

May the Savior born 
for us sinners…bring peace in 
the hearts of ourselves,

Of our families, 
friends, and most of all, in the 
hearts of our enemies.

linking to James'

and to Rebecca's

Hoosier Quote:
“Love is more just than justice.”
~Henry Ward Beecher~


Jim said…
Good reflections
J C said…
Merry Christmas, Nonnie, and Blessings. xo
gma said…
It's usually warm here in the desert but this year we have
been blessed with Cold. Weird how that works. Good wishes to you.
Blessings often come in strange disguises. Snow might be one of them! Merry (late) Christmas!
Lea said…
Merry Christmas Nonnie! I love seeing the creche and enjoy your haiku. Yes. May we all find peace in our hearts. I can feel the warmth from your post!
Annie Jeffries said…
A prayer for our enemy; very meaningful, Nonnie. Blessings to you.
James said…
Great post! I love the tree reflection!

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