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NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 31: Curiosity of Cats

lures cats to cross the threshold
of confined places

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Unknown said…
I get such joy from our funny animal family members!
Ida said…
Cats are so funny. They do love finding odd places to play or sleep. Do be careful with plastic bags.
They are so nosy!!!...:)JP
oh my...please cut the handles off of the bags! They can be choking hazards...and...cats are drawn to grocery store bags like those which they can chew and choke on. My Vet told me they are made with corn syrup........please never leave them unattended with them catchatwithcarenandcody
rebecca said…
dearest nonnie,
i see we share the love of birds-and the antics of cats! jackson-our tuxedo boy-is the greatest comfort to me. always willing to nap close beside me when i find myself under the weather. here's to february and healthy days! soon the sun will be ablaze and every bird in sight singing singing singing!!!

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