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NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 58: Blending of Shadows

shadow mix- deck, tree
angled, straight parallel lines
oak's organic lines 

linked to
hosted this week by
Magical Mystical Teacher


Kathe W. said…
a restful place to relax and enjoy the outdoors!
genie said…
Oh, my goodness, Nonnie....are we up to 58 already. That is amazing. Some days I do not want to do it - do you ever feel that way - but I still take my picture. This shadow shot is really special. I especially like the unpainted wood and the shadows on then boards. Really nice. Perfect light for the shot. Have a nice weekend filled with lots of picture taking.
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful shadow shot on the deck ~ creative!

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
Oh-that porch with the shadows just inviting me to come and sit and nap a little!
Nonnie said…
Genie, I decided to do a photo a day because I've dealt with the same feelings you expressed- to motivate me to get moving each day.
Carol, Paula & Kathe- thank you for visiting here and taking the time to comment.
colleen said…
A cacophony or symphony of shadows and light makes for a memorable performance!
All your snow is gone? All the better to see the shadows!

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