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NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Days 65 & 66: What Color Would Forgetfulness Be?

red for anger
blue for sadness
yellow for cowardice
green for freshness or new
white for purity
black for evil
purple for royalty

What color would you assign to forgetfulness?
How about orange?

early in day
indecision reigns
which photo do I use?  
no photo leads to how can I write? 
busy day… (it’s Lent you know)
after Mass… supper from Subway
home, change clothes, sit down to eat
fully relaxed, watch TV
memory sailed away- so… no blog post for Saturday
that’s why there are two photos today
mea culpa!

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James said…
Great reflection! Maybe I should start wearing orange. :-0
Nonnie said…
I wonder, James, if that would help us remember.

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