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NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 129: My Random 5

My Random 5:
  • Traveling Miss Bright Eyes ended her journey in her car seat.  Is it a message to her momma that she wants to go to Mimi’s?  (hint, hint)
  • Daffodils, a lovely sample of spring time’s wonders.
  • Eucharistic Adoration, a gift from our Lord
  • Happy Mother’s Day to my momma, who is seen here with my dad and my brother Charlie.   Each of whom left this Earth way too soon.
  • Oldest granddaughter, with whom I enjoyed the musical play “Mary Poppins”, thanks to a fellow retired teacher who gave us the tickets.  

linked to Nancy Claeys' 
thank you, Nancy, for this marvelous meme


Nancy said…
Loved the photos... I spend 11:00 - Noon each First Friday in Adoration. So good for the soul. xo

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