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DAY 289 of NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: Vintage Photo of Charlie and Our Momma

stern looking baby
Mom’s face full of joy and pride
older sister too

I have a vivid memory of my sitting on the blue divan and Momma’s putting my baby brother Charlie on my lap.  He was adorable and sweet.  His sweet nature never changed. He was so well-thought of that his home improvement customers not only came to Charlie’s funeral but chose to speak of how Charlie made them feel. I miss him still and I know that his family does too.  Rest in peace, my sweet brother.

shared with Jane's


So sweet! I understand your feelings -- I miss my baby brother too.

I keep meaning to work harder at scanning some photo memories, but never seem to find time. I am glad you did and glad you shared.
Jane said…
Nice old photo, sorry that you lost him though :(

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