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DAY 291 of NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: P is for Pinkus Pilsner

Pilsner, type of beer
Pinkus an organic brand
origin- Deutschland 

This beer is sold at Downtown Farm Stand; all foods sold there are organically grown or brewed, as with Pinkus.  It began in Munster, Germany in 1816, and the brewery is still active.

shared with
the creator, Mrs. Nesbitt, is also this week's host
thanks to her and all the team, 
including Roger- our go-to guy


MelodyK said…
I never touch alcohol so I don't know what that taste would be like but to you.... bottoms up

Have a wonderful ABC-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
Nonnie said…
Melody, I don't drink beer. But I noticed the name of the beer and thought it was interesting. I really paid no attention to what the drink was and had to find it online for information.
I hated beer forever, but I know know it was the terrible stuff one gets in the mass-produced bottles or cans. I've had very little of the craft beers, and some are tolerable.

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