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DAY 330 of NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: Shadows on St. Mary Church

Old Sol sheds its rays…
light, delicate and dappled
on St. Mary Church

 shared with

note to readers:
Apparently I'm a slow learner when things change,
such as happened on Blogger's Dashboard. It took me a while to figure our where pending comments are.  Oh, well, at least I discovered it today.  Thanks for all the patient readers who probably thought "Well, Nonnie, I thought I commented here, but where is it?" I'm ecstatic that you continued to read and comment.
Thank You!


It looks like a cold day, but I'm guessing it's warm and snug in the church.
Ralph said…
The church reflects the light wonderfully - as if the light from heaven is illuminating this place of worship. Jesus is the way, truth an light as we know...
Marleen said…
Beautiful and peaceful.
Nonnie said…
MMT, yes, finally it is warm and toasty; our church's furnace needed repairs- thanks to our parish offerings it's now done.
Nonnie said…
Ralph, thank you. It is true that Jesus is the light for each of us.

Marleen, thank you for your kind words. I feel that way about our church, mostly because of our pastor and the wonderful parishioners.
What a lovely, lovely church graced by such soft shadows from the sun.
Anne said…
Haven't heard the sun referred to ad Old Sol for a very long time. Thank you for the quaint reference.

Blessed Advent, Nonnie.

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